Episode 35

Reflections on Overcoming Adversity and Uncertainty with Jay Vangsnes

In this episode, Travis and Jess are joined by their oldest son Jay to reflect on life before Jay heads off to college. They talk about fun memories and Jay's unique personality and place in the family. Jay has always been full of charisma and is a natural leader wherever he goes.

Travis shares a story about a powerful moment Jay was there for him when he lost his dad. Jess also shares a heartfelt story of the first gift Jay gave her before she became his mom.

Jay has overcome a lot of adversity in his young life. Going into foster and then moving from foster care to being part of a transracial adoptive family. Jay is a cycle breaker. (Only 3% of former foster youth go on to achieve a 4 year degree.) He is pursuing a nursing degree at Carson Newman University and won a prestigious scholarship to do volunteer work in his local college community.

Jay was featured in a reel for America's Kids Belong sharing about the dire outcomes of kids who age out of foster care without a family.

Additional resources from Travis and Jess:

Guided Pace website: resources for coaching, soul care, and spiritual retreat offerings

Travis' books:

Shiny Eyes: Seeing Better Through the Lenses of Joy, Tears, Beauty, and Hope

Redemption's Echo: Living in the Reflection of God's Grace

About the Podcast

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Cultivate the Ordinary
Curious conversations for the bored, jaded, and burned out

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Travis Vangsnes